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  • Madeline Ryan Smith

Crossover Day is Coming Up!

Crossover Day is almost here! Let’s cut to the chase and go over some bills we’re watching in the Senate; 

In Education:

SB 379: Gives schools the option to replace guidance counselors with chaplains.

SB 501: Allows public schools to display the 10 Commandments 

Both of these bills are concerning to me, as I am a very strong supporter of the separation of church and state. If these both make it to crossover, we will be watching Rep. Parrish‘s voting record very closely.

Threats to the LGBTQ Community:

SB 88: Censors conversations about gender identity in private and public schools. 

SB 180: Allows pharmacies to deny medication based on religious beliefs. 

Georgia is a state that’s virtually zero protections for the LGBTQ community. As we see more and more states pass legislation specifically targeting this community, we must as citizens advocate against these ideas, and protect the LGBTQ community from continued discrimination.

Threats to the Disabled Community:

SB 367: Eliminates Ballot Drop Boxes, and eliminates additional registrars offices to be used to accept absentee ballots. 

As we‘ve seen in the aftermath of SB 202, voting continues to become more and more inaccessible for Georgian‘s with disabilities. As the nations largest minority group and fastest growing voter block, voting must be accessible to every citizen, regardless of ability.

Reach out to our State Senator Billy Hickman and let them know to vote NO on all of these bills, so they don’t make the cross over to the House! 

Don’t forget early voting is also going on for Georgia’s Presidential Primary! Election Day is March 12th, so be sure to get to the polls!

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